Joyce Valenza's NING!!

Bookends Video

The Library


Thing 6

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Thing 4


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Friday, April 10, 2009

2 Thing I learned today
Another social networking site, the teens are trying to stay "cooler" than us. I went on Facebook and Myspace and my teen is suddenly not interested. STAY CURRENT!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

1THING I Learned Today
Type in and enter the word, phrase, blog or website and a piece of art will appear - for saving and posting on the web or just for printing in your classroom. LOVE this new thing!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thing 22

I can't begin to express how much these Things have meant to me. I only started out as a parent/media specialist wanting to learn the ways of those online and at least try to know as much as my teenage daughter. In the end, I have the tools and the ability and the confidence to teach my students and colleagues the Ways of the Web. I have met so many people ( past - facebook, present- blogs and future - webinars) and gained so much knowledge - who knew you could make your own library online or create videos and share power points and make mash ups. I know it now.
I also appreciate my fellow classmate Marie23things. If I could have had anyone experience and appreciate the value of this course with me, it would be Marie. I asked EVERYONE in my county to join in on the fun, up until the last day, and I only had the one response.
I will keep my blog available, I will dedicate myself to keeping it current - I may have to change the name and I already follow a blog called "What I learned today" so I may call it "Media Specialist trying to make it in the Classroom" since, unlike my dear friend Marie, I am not guaranteed a position in the media center next year. I will use my knowledge learned here to make the classroom I dream of : based on information learned here and from what I have shared with teachers in emails and newsletters and updates. I will continue to educate myself in the Ways of the Web. I attended a webinar just tonight, thru Classroom 2.0 on Ning, that I will share with teachers. Will any of them recognize and use the information - who knows? I, as the media specialist, am just the source and the support. Wherever, I am , whatever the job title, I am the media specialist, I will support and educate and continue to learn for myself so that I can help YOU, the teacher, the administrator, the student.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thing 21

Student 2.0 is awesome. I realize I have become quite the "cheerleader" in this group. No one else seems to be as excited or impressed with these Things. Oh, well, I yam what I yam. The calculators are excellent tools for all students. I find both equally valuable and will suggest both to all students, teachers, parents and fellow media specialists. They can choose for themselves which one best suits their needs. My own children, especially my 7th grader, could definitely benefit from a schedule, a timeline and email reminders ( sure beats my verbal reminders, which, apparently, are easy to ignore). I will use these tools for every deadline I have, of which there are so many, I often lose track. The teacher tool may very well be what gets me thru the next few years of my career, as, due to budget cuts, I may end up in the classroom, for the very first time.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thing 20

Another great Thing! I want to check out all the links provided for Book 2.0! The use of good old fashioned library books never dwindles at an elementary school. We also have audio books of various media available also, books on tape, on CD and the newest Play Aways ( ). I can't wait to see a Kindle demonstration, maybe at a FAME conference? I think Books 2.0 definitely enhance the use of books and literature. If the daily news is online and can be sent to you via email or texted on your phone, why not books?
I signed up for DailyLit, TwitterLit and Book Calendar and am thoroughly enjoying the information I am receiving and having it so easily sent to me. I will also look at Book Stumpers and more of the children's literature links. I use for my storytimes with kinders and first graders.

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