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Thing 6

i L letter O Silver Spring Avenue Peeling Capital Letter V (Silver Spring, MD) E letter B Plain Educational Block O White Capital \"O\" Stenciled on a Brick Wall (Silver Spring, MD) k2 S

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thing 21

Student 2.0 is awesome. I realize I have become quite the "cheerleader" in this group. No one else seems to be as excited or impressed with these Things. Oh, well, I yam what I yam. The calculators are excellent tools for all students. I find both equally valuable and will suggest both to all students, teachers, parents and fellow media specialists. They can choose for themselves which one best suits their needs. My own children, especially my 7th grader, could definitely benefit from a schedule, a timeline and email reminders ( sure beats my verbal reminders, which, apparently, are easy to ignore). I will use these tools for every deadline I have, of which there are so many, I often lose track. The teacher tool may very well be what gets me thru the next few years of my career, as, due to budget cuts, I may end up in the classroom, for the very first time.

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