Joyce Valenza's NING!!

Bookends Video

The Library


Thing 6

i L letter O Silver Spring Avenue Peeling Capital Letter V (Silver Spring, MD) E letter B Plain Educational Block O White Capital \"O\" Stenciled on a Brick Wall (Silver Spring, MD) k2 S

Thing 4


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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thing 10

I love This is the best thing to happen to me since the iphone. All my sites on one site from any computer. I can make sites available to others. This is GREAT!
This is a very tool useful during an inservice training, sharing with colleagues and students. I also mark sites for storytime. I have alot of sites and it does take time to tag and bundle everything to keep it organized, but isn't that what we're good at in the library!?!

Thing 7

I love VOKI. Just check out my avatar. A great way to express yourself to your students. They love it!!

THing 5

I am on I love the groups I am a Librarian and Librariansshoes. Otherwise, I am still bewildered as to how this is the communication powerhouse some say it is??? I am also still waiting for family to respond to my invites.

Thing 4

I am really learning from my classmates. I like the currentness and ability to subscribe to the news that is news to you. I can use this professionally as a librarian and personally if I take the time to find the information that fits my needs. Media specialists who take the time to find this information will be benefitted beyond expectations. Use GOOGLE!

Friday, January 23, 2009

This so relevant to what we are doing - don't forget your passwords!!!

Sorry, you have to copy and paste.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thing 3: You Blog, I Blog, Everybody Blogs...

Yes, I get it. There are millions, billions, trillions of blogs. I'm not really interested in everyone's opinion and point of view. I can only use factual and credible information with students and teachers. Even personally, I can only spend my time with people/information I value. Therefore, any site that looks too much like somebody trying to sell me or upgrade me is out. I go to Technorati, Sphere, BlogLines, BLogPost, but Google is the one that gives me information I can use - a link that exactly matches my search. I liken it to using Apple products, now that I have the Imac, the Ipod, the Iphone, I also use Google for searching, blogging, blog searching, and Google Reader for Blog posting and following.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm ok, really.

As of this morning, I am now signed up with Twitter, Flickr, Yahoo, and Trillian. I even think I have a game plan to get all of this information on one home page to make it easy to use and share.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Today I attended the Library 2.o workshop at the Ocala Public Library with Anthony Shamoun from SirsiDynix. It was great - if you like lots of info thrown at you at lightning speed! Really, without this online class, today would totally overwhelm me. Did he know we could practice with 23 things? If not, how could we possible have used all the info he gave us today??? I do appreciate the date change. As a media specialist in a pubic school, today was a teacher workday so no time lost, no TDE needed, no closed library. Sincerely, thank you.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am going to post activities related to the SSYRA books on my Quia account.  I shared my thinkquest account with the gifted teacher and she has all of her students posting, uploading and building websites. This is the only teacher to respond to my web 2.0 technology, and, I am at a technology magnet school!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thing 2:Can't get enough 2.0

I will be attending a NEFLIN workshop on Friday entitled "Library 2.0". I  am hoping it will correlate with this online course.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I am a mother of 2 and a wife - how do I find the time to do anything - I JUST DO IT!! I want to be part of the 21st century. I hope to learn more than I know. The internet has been part of my life since 1995. I used to spend hours at home on the internet and none at work, now it is the opposite. I have a MAC, Quia, Thinkquest and Delicious account. I want to learn how to use all of this in my library. I am looking forward to meeting others wanting to do the same.

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