Joyce Valenza's NING!!

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The Library


Thing 6

i L letter O Silver Spring Avenue Peeling Capital Letter V (Silver Spring, MD) E letter B Plain Educational Block O White Capital \"O\" Stenciled on a Brick Wall (Silver Spring, MD) k2 S

Thing 4


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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thing 4

I am really learning from my classmates. I like the currentness and ability to subscribe to the news that is news to you. I can use this professionally as a librarian and personally if I take the time to find the information that fits my needs. Media specialists who take the time to find this information will be benefitted beyond expectations. Use GOOGLE!

1 comment:

Miss Valletta said...

Ok. I'm up to Thing 4 and am stuck! Since you are way ahead of me what am I doing wrong. I've set up an account with Bloglines and have added feeds to that site. How do I incorporate them into my blog. I'm been working on this for 2 hours now. I'm calling it quits for today.

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