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Thing 6

i L letter O Silver Spring Avenue Peeling Capital Letter V (Silver Spring, MD) E letter B Plain Educational Block O White Capital \"O\" Stenciled on a Brick Wall (Silver Spring, MD) k2 S

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Thing 11

I am beginning to resent the fact that I have to sign up for so many Things. I have had to create a notebook for all the sites and usernames and passwords. Otherwise, I am so excited by each of these new Things, some more so than others. I was not that impressed with Digg but Newsline, with it's live scrolling updates and Reddit with it's clever entries, that got me to sign up for more accounts and more passwords and usernames.
I do think the possibility of communication and distraction is equal. That is why our county blocks all of these fun Things from our work computers.

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