Joyce Valenza's NING!!

Bookends Video

The Library


Thing 6

i L letter O Silver Spring Avenue Peeling Capital Letter V (Silver Spring, MD) E letter B Plain Educational Block O White Capital \"O\" Stenciled on a Brick Wall (Silver Spring, MD) k2 S

Thing 4


My Avatar

Get a Voki now!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing 4

All teachers and librarians need to join It's facebook for professionals. Free Eluminate! Check this out and find out what that is!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thing 3

Check this out read books online with other readers!

Friday, April 10, 2009

2 Thing I learned today
Another social networking site, the teens are trying to stay "cooler" than us. I went on Facebook and Myspace and my teen is suddenly not interested. STAY CURRENT!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

1THING I Learned Today
Type in and enter the word, phrase, blog or website and a piece of art will appear - for saving and posting on the web or just for printing in your classroom. LOVE this new thing!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thing 22

I can't begin to express how much these Things have meant to me. I only started out as a parent/media specialist wanting to learn the ways of those online and at least try to know as much as my teenage daughter. In the end, I have the tools and the ability and the confidence to teach my students and colleagues the Ways of the Web. I have met so many people ( past - facebook, present- blogs and future - webinars) and gained so much knowledge - who knew you could make your own library online or create videos and share power points and make mash ups. I know it now.
I also appreciate my fellow classmate Marie23things. If I could have had anyone experience and appreciate the value of this course with me, it would be Marie. I asked EVERYONE in my county to join in on the fun, up until the last day, and I only had the one response.
I will keep my blog available, I will dedicate myself to keeping it current - I may have to change the name and I already follow a blog called "What I learned today" so I may call it "Media Specialist trying to make it in the Classroom" since, unlike my dear friend Marie, I am not guaranteed a position in the media center next year. I will use my knowledge learned here to make the classroom I dream of : based on information learned here and from what I have shared with teachers in emails and newsletters and updates. I will continue to educate myself in the Ways of the Web. I attended a webinar just tonight, thru Classroom 2.0 on Ning, that I will share with teachers. Will any of them recognize and use the information - who knows? I, as the media specialist, am just the source and the support. Wherever, I am , whatever the job title, I am the media specialist, I will support and educate and continue to learn for myself so that I can help YOU, the teacher, the administrator, the student.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thing 21

Student 2.0 is awesome. I realize I have become quite the "cheerleader" in this group. No one else seems to be as excited or impressed with these Things. Oh, well, I yam what I yam. The calculators are excellent tools for all students. I find both equally valuable and will suggest both to all students, teachers, parents and fellow media specialists. They can choose for themselves which one best suits their needs. My own children, especially my 7th grader, could definitely benefit from a schedule, a timeline and email reminders ( sure beats my verbal reminders, which, apparently, are easy to ignore). I will use these tools for every deadline I have, of which there are so many, I often lose track. The teacher tool may very well be what gets me thru the next few years of my career, as, due to budget cuts, I may end up in the classroom, for the very first time.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thing 20

Another great Thing! I want to check out all the links provided for Book 2.0! The use of good old fashioned library books never dwindles at an elementary school. We also have audio books of various media available also, books on tape, on CD and the newest Play Aways ( ). I can't wait to see a Kindle demonstration, maybe at a FAME conference? I think Books 2.0 definitely enhance the use of books and literature. If the daily news is online and can be sent to you via email or texted on your phone, why not books?
I signed up for DailyLit, TwitterLit and Book Calendar and am thoroughly enjoying the information I am receiving and having it so easily sent to me. I will also look at Book Stumpers and more of the children's literature links. I use for my storytimes with kinders and first graders.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thing 19

I am only part of the online community via Things I have learned here. Web Junction seemed to be more about public libraries rather than school libraries. I am in a school library now, but with the budget crisis, may not be for long. I did search school libraries and found a group looking for members, including someone to be the editor, which sounds interesting but out of my league for right now.
Gather seems interesting, I would like to search it more when my internet is acting like the high speed connection it is supposed to be. Actually, I have decided the site is moving slowly because so many people know how great it is and I can't wait for it to be my turn!
NING is my choice, mainly because I found the fabulous Joyce Valenza on there. She is so inspiring to me. I could credit her with sparking my interest in all this Library 2.0 at last year's FAME conference.
These sites seemed way more professional, practical and usable in my current library situation.

Thing 18

I have been on Facebook a few weeks now. It could be more fun, I guess, if I didn't work for the public school system and wasn't deathly afraid of students and parents somehow using it against me in the future. NEA recently sent out an email regarding this and a library list-serv I am on spoke against creating My Space pages for libraries.
I do think librarians could really benefit from the easy instant communication on FB. Others seem to be discussing programs, initiatives, conferences and other work related issues. I really like the Jacksonville library My Space page, it was totally geared toward teens with videos and links and great graphics. That is the ultimate benefit to having a page, attracting and impressing those hard to get teens.
I haven't signed up for My Space, I am running out time as April approaches. I can tell by looking at the pages, FB seems more an exchange of words and photos. My Space is more visual, like creating your own blog or web page, with videos and mash-ups and all the Things we've learned here. FB users who have been on longer than me are complaining about the "new" look, maybe it used to be a more creative space?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thing 17

I subscribe to many podcasts, everything from comedy central, cnn, npr, cooking classes and foreign language lessons. I do all of this thru Itunes. I find Itunes to be the easiest source for all things to download into my Mac. I love ItunesU and have accessed this at school and downloaded all of the KidLit2Go from the USF podcasts to the laptop I use for storytime. I have created podcasts with GarageBand ( another Mac application) and would one day like to have the time and the ability to post audio newsletters on my teacher website. A teacher at my school has a .Mac account and posts these to his Mac website every month.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This Class

" I won't forget all the things that we've done" but in a good way. I have thoroughly enjoyed these lessons and will always share on this blog and I am so glad you are not taking it down. I have not posted my podcast yet - thing 17 - but I have to share that this has absolutely changed my life - personally and professionally. Only 1 colleague in my county joined me, but she was the one most important to me. Thanks to FB ( facebook) I have contacted and communicated with people from years ago and from the future. Thank you NEFLIN.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thing 16

I have already posted 3 videos from YouTube on my blog. As with all Things on the internet, you have to be VERY careful what you search how you search and what you post or view. We cannot access YouTube on our public school server, SUPPOSEDLY. Students and employees have figured out how to bypass the filter and have been caught downloading and viewing inappropriate material at school. Some people are not aware a computer has a history and even if you think you have deleted something, the IT guys can find it!
I am not even close to brave enough to post anything on YouTube. The whole Facebook Thing is freaking me out with all the people finding me! My "friends" have posted pictures of me from middle school!!!
I do appreciate the value of YouTube and would absolutely use it if the material was appropriate for what I needed.

Thing 15

I see Rollyo as redundant since I already have a delicious account that I can use to tag and store and share my favorite websites.

Thing 14

I chose Pageflakes for my page. I had heard about it from co-workers and I like the widgets. As for the on-line calendars and to do lists - I already have this on my teacher web page and a to do list with reminders on my phone. I do think it would be too much trouble to enter this information in more than one location.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thing 13

This is why I am here. This is the greatest Thing since the last greatest Thing I have learned! I can catalog all the books I have sitting on my shelves ( which, by the way, would in no way demonstrate that I am a librarian with all books organized alphabetically or otherwise). I can also find people who have read these books, I can comment and review with others who are not just someone who also bought it from!! I could use this with students who read the Sunshine State Young Readers Association books. We have a One Book One Community program I could follow with parents, teachers and the whole county. This is the kind of social networking I can and will use.
BTW, I did find local events, at Books A Million, and others who had read my books, Jodi Piccoult is VERY popular, as are eating disorder books.

Thing 12

Oh, the WIKI. I do not recommend Wikipedia to students, although teachers can use it because they have a better ability to determine the credible from the incredible. I do think, as I stated on the Neflin WIKI, that this is a great way to discuss a book, collaborate with teachers and work with people from a distance ( family reunion, professional conference). IF everyone is willing to go online and create an account. This is tricky, considering, again, that most of the teachers at my TECHNOLOGY magnet school, still have trouble accessing e-mail and opening an attachment. I still have to choose a select group of students or teachers to participate in my online adventures. BUT, it is worth it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thing 11

I am beginning to resent the fact that I have to sign up for so many Things. I have had to create a notebook for all the sites and usernames and passwords. Otherwise, I am so excited by each of these new Things, some more so than others. I was not that impressed with Digg but Newsline, with it's live scrolling updates and Reddit with it's clever entries, that got me to sign up for more accounts and more passwords and usernames.
I do think the possibility of communication and distraction is equal. That is why our county blocks all of these fun Things from our work computers.

Thing 9 - My slideshare

I can see using this to share ideas from my program and learning from others. I can search and find powerpoints to use with students and teachers without starting from scratch everytime.
This was really easy to use. I will definitely use it again and recommend it to others.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thing 8

I am in a technology magnet school and we still have teachers who only read their email once a day. I would have to do some surveying to find out how many kindergarten thru 5th graders have IM accounts. I checked out 3 of the webinars (archives). I found subjects that interested me but could only figure out how to view/hear one of the three. I do appreciate online tools that allow me to learn from the comfort and convenience of home or work. I do have many responsibilities each day and my own professional development is usually last on the list. Therefore, anything that can make things easy to access is alright with me.

Thing 6

I love how easy it is to use and find all these photos. I just have a copyright question. I guess when you post your photos publicly you are giving up copyright?

Thing 5 continued

This is the photo I found to post. I have always enjoyed sharing photos with family and friends via email. I have only recently used photo sharing websites because of the privacy issue. I do not feel comfortable posting children's pictures publicly.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thing 10

I love This is the best thing to happen to me since the iphone. All my sites on one site from any computer. I can make sites available to others. This is GREAT!
This is a very tool useful during an inservice training, sharing with colleagues and students. I also mark sites for storytime. I have alot of sites and it does take time to tag and bundle everything to keep it organized, but isn't that what we're good at in the library!?!

Thing 7

I love VOKI. Just check out my avatar. A great way to express yourself to your students. They love it!!

THing 5

I am on I love the groups I am a Librarian and Librariansshoes. Otherwise, I am still bewildered as to how this is the communication powerhouse some say it is??? I am also still waiting for family to respond to my invites.

Thing 4

I am really learning from my classmates. I like the currentness and ability to subscribe to the news that is news to you. I can use this professionally as a librarian and personally if I take the time to find the information that fits my needs. Media specialists who take the time to find this information will be benefitted beyond expectations. Use GOOGLE!

Friday, January 23, 2009

This so relevant to what we are doing - don't forget your passwords!!!

Sorry, you have to copy and paste.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thing 3: You Blog, I Blog, Everybody Blogs...

Yes, I get it. There are millions, billions, trillions of blogs. I'm not really interested in everyone's opinion and point of view. I can only use factual and credible information with students and teachers. Even personally, I can only spend my time with people/information I value. Therefore, any site that looks too much like somebody trying to sell me or upgrade me is out. I go to Technorati, Sphere, BlogLines, BLogPost, but Google is the one that gives me information I can use - a link that exactly matches my search. I liken it to using Apple products, now that I have the Imac, the Ipod, the Iphone, I also use Google for searching, blogging, blog searching, and Google Reader for Blog posting and following.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm ok, really.

As of this morning, I am now signed up with Twitter, Flickr, Yahoo, and Trillian. I even think I have a game plan to get all of this information on one home page to make it easy to use and share.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Today I attended the Library 2.o workshop at the Ocala Public Library with Anthony Shamoun from SirsiDynix. It was great - if you like lots of info thrown at you at lightning speed! Really, without this online class, today would totally overwhelm me. Did he know we could practice with 23 things? If not, how could we possible have used all the info he gave us today??? I do appreciate the date change. As a media specialist in a pubic school, today was a teacher workday so no time lost, no TDE needed, no closed library. Sincerely, thank you.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am going to post activities related to the SSYRA books on my Quia account.  I shared my thinkquest account with the gifted teacher and she has all of her students posting, uploading and building websites. This is the only teacher to respond to my web 2.0 technology, and, I am at a technology magnet school!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thing 2:Can't get enough 2.0

I will be attending a NEFLIN workshop on Friday entitled "Library 2.0". I  am hoping it will correlate with this online course.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I am a mother of 2 and a wife - how do I find the time to do anything - I JUST DO IT!! I want to be part of the 21st century. I hope to learn more than I know. The internet has been part of my life since 1995. I used to spend hours at home on the internet and none at work, now it is the opposite. I have a MAC, Quia, Thinkquest and Delicious account. I want to learn how to use all of this in my library. I am looking forward to meeting others wanting to do the same.

My Blog List